When it comes to exterior protective paint coatings, there are a number of things to take into consideration. For example, if the previous gloss paint has begun to breakdown, simple painting over the top of it will not give the base materials any longevity at all. Instead all loose paint will need to be taken back to a sound base either by scraping, sanding, burning off, chemical stripping or a combination of all four. Then the affected areas must be primed with an appropriate primer for whatever the base surface is, then undercoated with a minimum of two top coats applied.The same can be said for masonry paint that has begun to breakdown. The surface must be scraped back until all the loose paint has been removed, then a stabilising solution should be applied to provide a good sound base for the masonry paint to adhere to. As with all decorating work, preparation is the key to providing an excellent finish that lasts.
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations
Exterior House Decorations